Ever since I was about 15 I've had a small and mostly neglected cache of Eldar models kicking around. Back in second edition I used to use a handful of guardians, Maugan Ra and a Vyper as random allies to my regular Space Wolves army. Yes, 15 year olds do strange things.
Ever since I started playing 40k again in the dying days of the 4th edition I have not so secretly coveted my regular opponent Bean's Eldar force. Grav tanks, jet bikes and highly specialised infantry mixed in with all kinds of psychic goodness appeal to the finesse player in me... less space wolf foot charges, more graceful and thought out combat-ballet. So it was that I dusted off all the old models I'd somehow collected over the years before hitting ebay and buying up some pretty cheap lots of newer models, more for my love of their fluff and style than with any hopes of building up a smackdown throwing ooobar army.
Then I bought some Wolf Guard and a rhino... so much for Eldar.
But after a few weeks of not being arsed to paint said Wolf Guard and rhino while playing Dawn of War 2 and loving all the Eldar shenanigans I'm back on the pointy eared band-wagon and work has begun in earnest. My first model was finished last night, a Warp Spider exarch - he'll get his mugshot up later - then I'm going to try and endeavor to post my progress as often as possible.
Rei xxx