Sunday, 24 July 2011

Iybraesil are here.

It's been quite a while since my last post. With uni, my old job stressing me out and getting to grips with my new (better) job I've neglected this blog like it was some kind of flea ridden elderly relative. Empires have risen and fallen, Rupert Murdoch has gone from dick to dick with no friends and Finecast has appeared in all of it's wallet-spanking goodness.

Well heres to my latest project, the warhost of craftworld Iybraesil.

 It has taken literally bloody ages for me to put together this rag-tag band of feisty female fighters. Most of this army was salvaged from my bits box, some of it was bought (for cheaps) off ebay, in fact the only two boxfresh units I actually spent coin on were the Wraithlord and the Swooping Hawks. So far this is what's been painted, I intend to base everything in one go so the apparent pools of brown mush my models seem to be standing in will disappear soon.

I also have this little lot left to paint:

Looks like I'm winning on the painting front for a change!

I'll be trying to keep posting my progress with this army (incoming converted gunship style vyper shots) as well as picking up with adding more content to my Space Wolf army (Bjorn conversion ahoy!).

Stay frosty people!

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